Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tangi Argentini

Tanghi  Argentini  is a Danish short film (14 minutes) nominated for an Academy Award in 2007. It has a remarkable plot twist....   You will like it.

 PS: The title refers to a dance style that is popular worldwide: the Argentine Tango. 


  1. Hah! This was a pretty good short film! In the film it shows a geeky looking middle aged man, Andre. Andre is caught on a dating site or chat room after hours at his work. My first thought is he is lonely and is looking for a woman. The woman he is talking to wants to tango dance with him but he doesn't know how. So he lies to her and tells her that he can. Andre then invites her to a “Milonga". I’m guessing this is some type of "ball dance" but it's just tango. He asks a coworker to teach him to dance; his name is "Frans". Frans teaches him the best he could but when Andre gets to the tango dance he messes up the dance and makes the girl fall. And..... Here comes the plot twist, Andre tells Frans to go dance with her because Frans is a phenomenal tango dancer. Andre had it staged the whole time, he wanted Frans to find a woman and fall in love. I made this inference because at the end of the video it shows Andre with a list of coworkers that he's trying to help find love. He marks Frans name off the list and then moves to the next coworker. His last "project" is a coworker that is a poet. He walks up to him at the end of the movie and says "Eh... I’ve met someone on the internet, she writes poetry" I definitely wasn't expecting how it ended, but I enjoyed it!

    John C.

  2. I say Andre was looking for Christmas presents for his friends like he told the woman at the beginning of the film. Think about it he had that set up to find his friend frans set up with a tango dancer, he questioned frans about his passion and fire as he walked away from the elevator. That was his way of getting frans to show up for the dance! at the end of the movie he scratches frans' name off of his Christmas list meaning his mission was accomplished! After that he went to another guy who he was going to put through the same process but this time it would be with a poet.

    1. WOW. I completely disregarded that comment to the cleaning lady. I would have to agree with you on that one.

      John C.

    2. Rashad, you're so analytical.

    3. Couldn't agree more Mr. Roberts. I also believe that seeing the list of names that Andre had already scratched out verified the happiness of all the men in the work place, because Frans wasn't happy before his name was scratched out, but after his name was scratched out, he was definitely happy. I think perhaps all of the men in the work place had the same demeanor as Frans did. If you think about it, that is typical workplace attitude. People tend to fall into a replicated regimen, where there are doing the same thing everyday, especially at a desk job. Life tends to get boring, and seems as if there is nothing else to do besides paperwork. Andre was determined to let these men find their lives again. To get out of the bonds that the norms of society held on them. And he did it through Christmas presents!

  3. I agree with Dr. Roberts. Andre was in fact looking for Christmas presents for his coworkers. At first, I am clueless. I think to myself "what the heck is going on." I finally have an idea of what happened at the end when Andre marks Frans' name off of the list. Andre spends a great while analyzing his coworkers, figuring out in what ways they have lost something they love. When they go dance and the lady falls, Andre is more than happy to let Frans go dance with her. He then turns around and smiles, looking into the mirror on the back wall. This is an indicator that he has successfully completed his mission, to "give" Frans his fire back! Now, on to the next person, Patrick.

  4. In this film Andre’ had a list of people that he wanted to breathe life back into, or maybe even become friends with. I don’t think he was necessarily looking for Christmas presents for his coworkers, but maybe he was doing it for his own reasons? My first impression of Frans was that he wasn’t friendly, or nice, by any means. Before the film finished I kept wondering why Andre’ didn’t pick the woman up after she fell and keep dancing, but that was his moment to invite Frans into the picture. Andre had done his part and now he was giving the opportunity to Frans to show his “fire” again. My impression of the poet is that he is a sad, lonely, reserved man. So once Andre’ was done giving Frans his fire back, I think he will work on cheering up the poet and giving him his passion back. Or whatever is missing in his life. That’s how I took it at least.

    1. I agree with you completely sir! The only thing I had different was that I did think he was finding Christmas presents for them. I say this because in several instances it showed the co workers gathered around that small Christmas tree. At the beginning, Frans is not as energetic as the others guys in the first Christmas tree take. However, after the dance scene has occurred, Frans matches the other men's energy around the Christmas tree, and then we see his name scratched off of the list, and we also see a lot of other names scratched off the list. I then inferred that those energetic, happy men around the tree had already had a run in with the wonderful Andre. Thus, making it seem as is Andre was searching for the greatest Christmas present of all that he could give them. To me, it showed that he was willing to do more than to buy a small trinket and put a bow on it. Andre cared, and his actions showed that.

      At least, that's how I took it! Salutations friend!

  5. five minutes after watching this video, I got a text from a friend asking "what's up" I told him I just watched this video for a class, and I have no idea what in the world happened. He asked me what was it. And I described everything that happened in the video from the very beginning to the very end. And THEN, I realized what it was about. Or at least, this is what I think it was about. The one thing that helped me understand what was going on was the line that Frans said "you need passion for dance, fire. your fire has gone out" Although, many people would think that Frans is rude, or not nice, I feel that he is just bitter. I mean, clearly dancing is his passion, something he loves doing. But for some reason, he cant. His lines ""Tango, Andre? where are we? what is this? Take a good look around. A bunch of idiots by a Christmas tree. Behind you is a failed poet and in front of me is you. So, I'll ask you again, where are we?" clearly shows how he has lost all the passion for his dream, for something he loves. I mean, he is surrounded by people who wanted to do something they love but instead are stuck in a 9-5 corporate job. All his fire is gone, that's why he thinks that everyone around him is the same. At first, when i saw the part where Andre tells Frans to "dance her off her feet" I was like "dude, are you crazy" but then when i watched the entire movie and he tells the same story to the failed poet guy, and changes tango with poetry, I understood how he is trying to bring their fire back. Their passion for what they love doing. And are, in fact, good at. He really was looking for a Christmas present for them. The best one, indeed.

  6. Good comments! You've made a clear point and supported it with evidence from the film. I can scratch your names off my list.

  7. Andre is a mischievous, but good man. Why do I say this? Because in this short film Andre plays the role of the matchmaker. However, he does it discreetly. That's what makes it so cool. We see Andre ask Frans at the beginning to learn how to dance because he met a girl online and they are to go dancing. Frans is extremely reluctant, but with some prodding, finally agrees. We see a change occur in Frans. He starts to show more emotion in the later part of the film than in the first, and really is giving it his all whenever he is teaching Andre. When the time to dance with the grl arises, Andre "messes up" dancing on purpose, and asks for Frans to dance with her because she seemed extremely upset. Frans agreed, and Andre's plan completely unfolded. Frans and the girl hit it off right. Frans thanks Andre the next day, and makes it sound as if him and the girl were a match made in heaven. He also apologizes to Andre, but throughout this film we never see Andre react how a normal person would if a friend had "stolen your girl". Andre was happy, and that is when we see the list, and when we realize his true motive. It was around Christmas time, and Andre had a list that of all of his coworkers whom he wanted to get the perfect gift for. Seeing Frans as a changed man and completely happy let him know that his work was done, so he scratched off Frans' name, leaving one more co worker who is referred to as "the failed poet."

    Andre, you are a sly man indeed! Kudos to you!

  8. Let me start off by saying that a lot of people in the office seemed sad. The main character seemed to be a little miserable as well. But he is making everyone feel better about them or bettering their lives. Just like the tv series "My Name is Carl" i believe he had the same intention as Carl when he had a list of people that he had to do something nice for for before he could cross their names off. In the short film majority of the movie was dealing with the passion of dance which the main character surely did not have. But Frans did, and we know this because he states that tango takes years to learn. No one would care to waste two years of their life to learn a dance that they don't have passion for. Near the end, There's a woman with the same passion for dance as Frans, if not the same then more. He did this on purpose and at the end we see Frans smiling more and more joyful than he has been through the whole film. Shortly after we see the main character scratching off a name. And the next name that hasnt been scratched off is the depressed poet we learned about earlier in the film.

    1. I like your depiction. I like where you said "no one would care to waste two years of their life to learn a dance that they don't have passion for." That shows that Frans once did have that passion, and then stemming from that, we can also infer that perhaps every person in that workplace once had passion, but lost it. It furthers the case that Andre was trying to help his co workers regain that passion that they once had. Perhaps Andre knew them before they took the emotional fall, and could stand to see them like that no longer. He knew their potential, and he knew that they deserved to be far happier than they were.

    2. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one that paid attention to the poet that was next on the Christmas list. I think that we all caught the main things that were happening in this short film, and that is how one man acted in a selfless manner to make those around him happy during Christmas. He did it in a very sly and unorthodox manner too. His approach throughout the entire film is what made the film interesting.

  9. What do they need for Christmas? This is the question that Andre was in the processes of answering for each of his colleagues and then one by one making the answer a reality in their lives. This is indicated by when he replies to the woman who indirectly asks him what he is doing on the internet late one night after work and he answers that he’s looking for Christmas presents for his colleagues. It is then confirmed at the end of the short film when he pulls out a pad with a list of his colleagues and marks Frans name off the list, a man that once again had a roaring flame for the tango and life due to the indirect and discreet actions of Andre. These actions consisted of Andre convincing Frans to help him win a woman’s heart by Frans teaching him how to tango dance. When the day comes that Andre is to dance with this woman to win her heart, Frans is there for support. Andre, through some rehearsed miss steps messes up the dance and all seems lost, until he tells Frans to consol her not with words but with tango. Andre’s gift to Frans was pouring gasoline on what had become a small ember for the tango, igniting an inferno.

    1. See when the film first started, and the woman caught Andre in the office late at night, I thought he was just another online creep. However, his answer to the woman about finding Christmas presents for his friends turned out to be true. It just wasn't happening the way one would normally expect for things to happen in a film like that.

  10. The plot without a doubt is one of great structure and interesting twist. I was confuse as to what I was watching simply because of the fact that I am usually don’t watch films in another language and dealing with foreign culture but I liked the short film. One can make the argument that the deed he is doing is good but also dangerous. He is meeting women online and building relationships with them then passing them on to his co-workers in hope they are a match. In some case that can be a perfect fit but also not so great to lie to this women. But even that the play writer leaves too much peace together. Most of the ideas as of to what is going on are implied not fully stated. The list of names from where he scratches off Frans’s name might simply be a list of other good deeds not just his cupid accomplishments.

  11. This short film was well thought out, the plot was interesting and had a well hidden twist at the end. The film is about a Christmas “Angel” that takes the form of a seemingly disparate man, who helps his sad co-workers find love. In the beginning you see this man talking to a woman online and they decided to go tango in two weeks. So he disparately convinces a coworker Frans to teach him to tango, this is all a part of his plan. Andre is trying to figure out if Frans is going to be a good match for the woman. Once he decides that Frans is indeed a god match he lets him teach him tango and he brings Frans along with him when he meets the woman. Again it’s all a part of Andre’s plan. Once the woman meets Andre they go dancing and Andre “accidentally” drops her. She becomes upset and Andre tells Frans to dance with her, knowing she will fall for him. Thus completing his plan of setting up Frans with a woman and making him happy. At the end it starts all over again with another sad looking coworker. Andre is a good man working to make others happy during the holidays thus bring joy to himself.

  12. This is a moving story to show just how there is someone watching out for all of us. This story shows and angel portrayed as a man who is down on love wanting to learn to dance to make it with a woman he was talking to on the internet. He seeks out a man who has a negative outlook on the office who also has experience dancing to help him. They begin dancing and growing a bond. As the day arrives the man tries to “dance” but fails so he asks the dancer to be her dance partner. After the dance the next day the dancer approaches the man telling him he has found love. The man sits down to mark off yet another soul he has brought to love. This story is based on a cherub who brings people together from behind the scenes.

  13. To Start off, I really had know what Tango dancing was. The short film was based on a man named on Andre who was looking on his computer and a lady ask him what he is doing, he states that he shopping for Christmas presents for his colleagues. In the message blog that Andre is looking at, he gets a reply asking if he know how to tango.To me Andre is telling himself what have i gotten myself into, bit he has an idea who can teach how to dance. He ask a co-worker named Frans who is a Dancer. Frans at first is puzzled why Andre is asking him Questions, Frans enters a elevator and starts to descend,looking up towards the numbers. Frans see that they stop and see Andre who is out of breath. Andre utters i know you know how to dance. Frans stops the elevator with his foot. During this time Frans is teaching Andre how to Tango. The final night comes around to meet the women from online. Andre is ask to Tango, but during the dance he accidentally drops her. Andre goes towards the bar and tells Frans take her and Tango. Frans comes into the office the next day looking towards Andre telling him my bad for stealing your girl last night. Andre replies no problem. Frans leaves and Andre Checks off his list. So in the end Andre was really looking for Christmas present for his friends. A good example is Christmas Spirit and someone who is a secret Santa

  14. I absolutely loved this short film. The structure of the whole plot twist really caught me off guard. The actions of main character made me actually smile. The short film Tanghi Argentini by Guy Thys defines the definition of Christmas. A few weeks before Christmas, André, a chubby middle-aged office worker is finding Christmas gifts for his coworkers. Although one would think that it would just be an ordinary gift such as a sweater or a gift card. Nope, his gift is finding dates for his coworkers with someone who shares the same interest in hobbies. This is a wonderful gift because many of the men working at the office seem sad, uptight, and stressed and this gift allows them to reconnect with their lost passions in different hobbies. The plot twist is that Andre' arranges an Internet date women who share the same interests as the coworkers that he is trying to make happy again. The Trouble is, André is not good at those hobbies and he asks the actually coworker who he is trying to make happy again, to teach him. This allows the coworker to fall back in love with their hobbies. In the end Andre' brings the coworker on the date to help him impress the date and then purposely fails trying to impress his date. Andre' will then encourages the coworker to step up and fix the girl's broken heart.

    1. This is a nice example opf a well-organized argument. Good work!

  15. I think it was a really interesting film with an unexpected ending. The film started Andre having an online chat with a woman, Suzanne, and he invited her to a tango dance. He didn’t know anything about tango, so he begged his coworker, Frans, to teach him. At the dance, everything went well until he missed a step and made Suzanne fell, and so he convinced Frans to dance with her. The next morning, Frans seemed really happy and he put a star on the Christmas tree. It seemed Frans and Suzanne had a good time. Andre took out a small notebook, and crossed Frans name off a list. The only name left is Patrick, a poet. Everything seemed clearer at this point. I think the truth is that he was trying to make everyone in his office happy before Christmas by finding them a girlfriend. And plus, near the beginning when a coworker asked him what he was doing, he said that he was looking for Christmas presents on the internet for his colleagues. So he lied to them by came up with a similar story every time that he needed help with something because of the person he met on the Internet. At the end of the movie he came up to Patrick and asked for help with poetry. And it seemed his effort paid off every time because there were a few guys happily circling the Christmas tree near the beginning of the film, and near the end Frans joined those guys, who might be the previous people on Andre’s list.

  16. At the beginning of the short film, I had thought that Andre was just some old, lonely man using an online dating site to find a date. He needs to learn to tango fast due to the fact that he invited this woman to tango in two weeks. To learn, he asks one of his coworkers, Frans. It took some work, but Andre finally got Frans to teach him how to tango. While Andre is dancing with his date, he drops her in the middle of the dance floor. After seeming upset about dropping her, he tells Frans to go and dance with her, knowing that Frans is a superb tango dancer. The next day at the office, Andre is seen crossing Frans’ name off a list, with only one more name to go. Andre has been deliberately setting people up by asking them to teach him or help him with something.

  17. At the beginning of the movie Andre was on a dating site looking disappointed ,but someone suggested that he go out in tango.Afterwards he searches for one of his work mates to help him out in this small problem .He goes to someone named Frans to learn how to Tango claiming that he is in love.The person he is meeting is named Suzanne,and they danced a awkward form of the Tango.He watches Frans instruction while doing the Tango , but sadly drops Suzanne in front of everyone.While she sat embarrassed and disappointing about her time Andre asked Frans a favor.He asked Frans to dance with her and for her.Frans thanks Andre for helping him.It turns out that Andre actually is a date matcher and helps people find the one for them.

  18. this film was, at the least, intriguing. I was a little wierded out at first when Andre, the main character who is a nerdy middle age lonely man, was caught by the cleaning lady and she said "you're not the only one i've caught." I found it funny that he was trying to find a tango partner. I think this video is about a man, who is nerdy, helps others meet women that have talents such as tango and poetry.

  19. In this short film the main character Andre', an manipulative or kind-hearted co-worker, played a helpless part just to bring out the passion of his co-workers in a disguised manner. He helped Frans and all the other workers that were goofing around the Christmas tree. I was able to imply that because of the list he had at the end of the film scratching out Frans' and many other names. By seeing Frans's attitude towards them earlier then to them joining you know they all found their happiness. And for Andre' to acknowledge their happiness and then look towards the poet, we all know he about to work his "magic" on him. While Andre' ruined his chance with the Tango Engel lady, I was wondering why he told Frans to tell go over to her and dance her off her feet. I thought to myself, he knows she would fall for him because that's all she has been searching for and he would lose her to him. Then it was clear to me the next day when he was so calm about them being together. Andre's gift to his fellow workers was them finding their true desire.

    Sharde' Collins

  20. This movie is cool. The ending scenes were the icing on the cake. It pretty much is about how love can conquer all, whether your a grumpy dancer, or a shy poet.
    When someone is in love it can make negative things around them or in them disappear or don't matter.
    In the movie, Frans seems to be really grumpy and unhappy about his job. He was probably just in a bad mood because he was lonely, because after Andre set him up with the 'tango lady' he suddenly became happy and excited about his work. Not only did he have a girlfriend he found someone to share his passion of dance with.
    Humans are just creatures looking--wanting to be loved and nurtured.

    1. You worded this very nicely...

  21. -Leverise Evans

    In the film Andre got caught being on the computer looking for Christmas gifts for his love ones. At first, I thought he was doing something nasty, but he is actually chatting online with random. At his work place he asked one of his coworkers can they teach him Tango because he met a woman online who really would love to go Tango. It took a couple of times asking before his coworker gave in, but he finally got took through the ropes on learning exactly what he needed. While doing the Tango he messed up and his date end up falling and her feelings were really hurt because that's all she really wanted to do and just have someone who could actually do the same. His coworker took over the dance floor with Suzanne and they hit it off, I suppose. The next day the coworker came in and asked Andre could he date her and he said it was fine. He pulled out his notepad and scratched Patrick name off. All and all Andre is online looking for people that are interested in similar things as them.

  22. This film clearly shows that Andre is a 46 year old virgin, who is doing anything to get a woman. Andre just needs to stop lying!!! Oh my goodness! This film was hilarious. If I was Suzanne, I would've smacked him for dropping me. I'm pretty sure that if Andre would've been honest and not lied about knowing how to tango, him and Suzanne could have hit it off pretty well! He basically lied for nothing, because his co-worker, Frans, came behind him and "danced her off her feet" and ended up with her. Andre pretty much lucked out. It seems like Andre is used to finding a woman on-line, lying about his hobby, asking one of his co-workers to teach him/help him learn the hobby, and screwing it up. I have that assumption, because at the end of the video Andre found another woman online, then asked his co-worker, Patrick for help with poetry. Hahaha! Poor. Andre!

  23. First I must say I enjoyed this short film excellent choice.

    The film foreshadowed what the main objective was in the first opening scenes. The cleaning lady walking in on Andre, and his reply was "I'm looking for Christmas gifts for my co-workers." The writer placed it in so subtle that it could easily been over looked. Andre really is just playing match maker among his co-workers. He come to them with a problem in the field they love and spark the passion in their work again. He really is giving them two gifts; the gift of love and the confidence in their passions they had long forgotten.

  24. A good film to watch is a short Danish film called Fanghi Argetini. The main character is Andre, is a very giving person. It's Christmas time so he meets this woman online. He finds so he meets this woman online. He finds out that she has a dire passion for the Tango. He persuades his coworker Frans to help him learn the dance in 2 weeks. After hours and hours upon practicing, the hint finally comes. After a semi-rocky start, everything seems to be going great, then he makes fall on the dance floor. Considering how much she loves the Tango it's a sin. He asks Frans to go and console her and asks her to dance. After that they dance and the chemistry becomes instant. The next day, he sees Andre and upon the Christmas Tree. It's ironic that Frans made fun of the guys the Christmas and now he's actually helping put the star on top of the tree. I feel that this was the main objective of the movie. It is better to give than receive. At the end it shows Andre marking Frans of his list. He helped everyone else and only had one more person left. I feel that that's the theme for this movie.
