Sunday, July 8, 2012

Orcs R Us

“Do you know how the orcs first came to be? They were elves once. Taken by the dark powers, tortured and mutilated, a ruined and terrible form of life.”

The more I learn about nuclear power, genetic modification of foods, and the rise of technology in almost every corner of life, the more I believe we are torturing and mutilating ourselves. It would be hard to create a more perfect hell than the one we are moving toward. Endless war, where everybody is a potential enemy. Guaranteed cancer—unless you do what you are told and get the magic pills. Already, any cell phone can be activated without the owner knowing, anytime Big Brother wants to listen.... the perfect panopticon.

The "panopticon" was originally an idea for prison design. In 1975 a guy named Michel Foucault had the idea that prisons could save money by using an architectural design in which a central tower was glazed with one-way windows. Guards watch through the windows, but prisoners never know whether or not there is a guard watching them, because the windows are one-way.  The resulting psychological uncertainty meant that prisoners would tend to play it safe. Fewer guards would be needed, fewer problems.

Cell phones have made America a giant panopticon. With a cell phone in every pocket, and making no secret of the fact that they can be monitored, you get the prison effect on an entire population--and the people pay you for their imprisonment! It's a sweet deal if you are into unlimited power.... The only thing better would be phone implants.

Now, into this environment, add constant pollution, radiation, genetically-modified foods, and you end up with birth defects, cancer, a million drugs to "treat" a million sicknesses, and you have created a perfect hell right here on earth. The icing on that rotten cake is the cult of the "beautiful people."  Whom to you serve?

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